Tuesday 2 April 2013

My New Facebook Page...

Previously, I had worked on setting up new professional Facebook Profile, to which I can add previous/potential employers and contacts to. I have now also set up a professional Facebook Page to keep people up to date with the work I do.

Here is a link to my Facebook Page:


Please take a look and like!

Sneak Peek at My Major

 I haven't posted in a while, as I have been really busy working away on my Final Major Project. i have done a lot of development work and research to help me do the best I can for this. As mentioned before I linked my Minor and Major projects together. My minor was creating the Characters, and my major creating the Set. I had many sets in the script I written, but decided the one I wanted to make and bring to life was the old town centre.  I don't want to give too much away, but here is a sneak peek at my final design and model built.

First Basic Design.
Developed Final Design (Colours a Secret)
My Model All Built.
Now all the model is built, i have to add in the colour and small details. I'm going to keep the Colours a secret, and all will be revealed in my next post!